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About MCFS
Mississippi Christian Family Services (MCFS) was chartered for providing family services with special concern for the distressed, underpriviliged, and developmentally disabled. Membership is open to all who subscribe to the purpose of the organization. A local bi-racial Board of Directors directs the program and a local bi-racial Advisory Committee function in an advisory capacity. The local Board of Directors appoints the Executive Director. He/she is directly responsible to MCFS Board of Directors, and to CRWRC (World Renew) Board.
Administration /
Committed to Excellence
Leigh Anne Tilghman, Executive Director
Rosie Smith, Executive Secretary
Betty Smith, Finance Assistant
Russell Stewart, President
Peter Jackson, Vice President
Missy Goodman, Secretary
Sam Matthews
Rob Evans
Pam Hengst
Nonie Davis
Tanya Taylor, Supervised Living
Connie Mangrum, Work Activity
Janet Spencer, Day Services-Adult
Janelle James, Supported Living
Sharon Chick, Medical

MCFS embraces all God's people as productive
citizens with respect love and equality.
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